Hong Kong Business Directory
(香港企業名錄) Hong Kong Business Directory (香港企業名錄)


  1. Hong Kong China Coal gas Company HUA YUAN Workers HUEI
  2. Hong Kong Servant ZONG Union
  3. Hong Kong Print Union
  4. Hong Kong Society Task JHE ZONG Union
  5. Hong Kong FEI Urgency Rescue Service Stuff Association
  6. Hong Kong Meat Environment Sanitary tube LI JI Staff member Union
  7. Hong Kong Sanction Safe Examine SHIH Guild
  8. Hong Kong Fire protection CHU Workers ZONG HUEI
  9. Hong Kong SUO CHANG Rights and interests Association
  10. Hong Kong Postal service Workers HUEI
  11. Hong Kong YOU WU Workers HUEI
  12. Hong Kong Thunderbolt Loss Rights and interests HUEI
  13. Hong Kong Subsidize Primary school Principal Workers HUEI
  14. Hong Kong School WUN YUAN Association
  16. Hong Kong Policeman Team member ZUO JI Association
  17. Stianity Industry Committee
  18. Kangle County Business Staff member Association
  19. JIE FANG GONG YOU Service Service
  21. Telecommunications YING KE Staff member Association
  22. Airport Security Co.,ltd. Staff member Association
  23. Cilman Task Staff Association
  24. Asia Professional Security Association - Hong kong Lodge
  25. Asia Kitchener Association
  26. Hong Kong Industry Professional PING SHEN Bureau
  27. Hong Kong Cosmetics TONG YE Association
  28. Hong Kong Tenement Agent ZONG HUEI
  29. Hong Kong Print Chamber of commerce
  30. Hong Kong Property Management Company Association
  31. Hong Kong Toys Manufacturer HUEI
  32. Hong Kong Air conditioner JI Refrigeration Chamber of commerce
  33. Hong Kong Metal Manufacturing Association
  34. Hong Kong Food Committee
  35. Hong Kong Tour YE Legislation Rights and interests Association
  36. Hong Kong Ship-owner HUEI
  37. Hong Kong Survey SHIH Association
  38. Hong Kong Plastic machinery Association
  39. Hong Kong Movies Making Administration Staff Association
  40. Hong Kong Equipment Rent Association
  41. Hong Kong Environment protection Retrieve YE ZONG Chamber of commerce
  42. Hong Kong Insect pest Control CONG YE YUAN Association
  43. International Hypnology HUEI
  44. GANG JIOU Electric appliance SHANG LIAN HUEI
  45. GANG JIOU Electroplating YE Chamber of commerce
  46. CYUN SHENG Restaurant Technology Staff Association
  47. Computer Accountant CONG YE YUAN Association
  48. High quality Tourist clothing WU Association
  49. Canada YING SHU Mbia Vote Management Accountant Guild - Hong kong Lodge
  50. Hong Kong Company Secretary Guild
  51. Hong Kong Shipping Association
  52. Hong Kong SHA CHONG YE Association
  53. Hong Kong Goods cabinet Dock Chamber of commerce
  54. Hong Kong Prolificacy Stimulate Bureau
  55. JHONG Minitype Enterprise Online Information Center
  56. Prolificacy ( Guangzhou ) Cosulting Co.,ltd.
  57. Enterprise CHUANG FU Department
  58. Hong Kong Industry JIANG
  59. CHUANG New products Development Institute
  60. Information JI SIN Medium Development Institute
  61. Asia Model Use for reference Center
  62. BEI Youth Chamber of commerce
  63. City Youth Chamber of commerce
  64. Hong Kong JIN FONG Youth Chamber of commerce
  65. HAO YANG Youth Chamber of commerce
  66. Chinese redbud Youth Chamber of commerce
  67. Lion SHAN Youth Chamber of commerce
  68. WEI DUO LI YA Youth Chamber of commerce
  69. SHA TIAN Youth Chamber of commerce
  70. Hong Kong Property Manager Association
  71. Hong Kong Professional Tenement Advisor Chamber of commerce
  72. Hong Kong Professional Service Website
  73. Hong Kong Professional Bursar Association
  74. Shopping center Plan JI Management Professional Association
  75. WU YU Service JI Management Association Hong kong Lodge
  76. Hong Kong Airline Representative Association
  77. Hong Kong Hotel YE Association
  78. Hong Kong Plan SHIH Association
  79. Hong Kong Life insurance Management Association
  80. Small & middle sized enterprises Subsidize Program
  81. Small & middle sized enterprises market Promoting Fund
  82. Small & middle sized enterprises Credit Warranty Program
  83. Small & middle sized enterprises Training Fund
  84. Small & middle sized enterprises Development Support Fund
  85. Trade License tag Information Center
  86. GENG JIN MI Economic & trade Tie Settlement
  87. ?Upcountry YU Hong kong Regarding Upbuild GENG JIN MI Economic & trade Tie ?DE Settlement CYUAN WUN
  88. Upcountry YU Hong kong DA CHENG GENG JIN MI Economic & trade Tie Settlement ( Y a h o o ! Hong kong News )
  89. Upcountry YU Hong kong Regarding Upbuild GENG JIN MI Economic & trade Tie DE Settlement Subscription
  90. LIOU FEN Accessories DE Put in practice Punctilio Synopsis
  91. GENG JIN MI Economic & trade Tie Settlement ( C E P A)
  92. Guangzhou - Hong kong C E P A
  93. Subscription ?Upcountry YU Hong kong Regarding Upbuild GENG JIN MI Economic & trade Tie DE Settlement ?Accessories
  94. C E P A Hong kong Macao ( Upcountry ) Promoting JHOU
  95. C E P A Up to the minute Information
  96. Mainland/HongKong Closer Economic Partnership Arrangement(CEPA)
  97. Hong Kong YU Upcountry Subscription GENG JIN MI Economic & trade Tie Settlement Beration
  98. Hong Kong Logistics Development Bureau
  99. CYUAN GANG Autobus Way Seek Machine
  100. PO LI WAN Passenger transport Co.,ltd.
  101. Hong Kong Autobus Photograph LANG
  102. Hong Kong Autobus MI HU DONG Ussion
  103. YANG GUANG Autobus Holdings Co.,ltd.
  104. YA GAO Autobus Service Co.,ltd.
  105. SIN DA YU SHAN Autobus ( 1 9 7 3) Co.,ltd.
  106. KUEI CING Autobus Way JI Ride WANG - GUANG ZIH
  107. HUAN CIOU Autobus MI HUEI
  108. Subsistence yi - Transport SHU
  109. Traffic TOU SU ZU
  110. Hong Kong Shipping Development Bureau
  111. Hong Kong Watercraft Enrollment Service
  112. Hong Kong Port Development Bureau
  114. Transport SHU
  115. Road Safe Parliament
  116. Quality SHIH Service DU DAO Committee
  117. CING YU Trunk
  118. Public traffic Introduction
  119. Public traffic Animation
  120. Autobus Network Center
  121. NIOU CHIH WAN JI SIH SHUN Traffic Web
  122. Traffic YUN WU
  123. GONG Establish diplomatic relations TONG SIN Network BIAN JIE LIAN SI Tycoon AO
  124. SI SUEI KUAI SIAN 9 6 8 Autobus Terminal
  125. DONG Limits
  126. DONG WANG YANG World
  127. Hong Kong Public traffic Tools
  128. Hong Kong Public traffic News ZU Database
  129. Hong Kong Autobus YU Ferryboat DE Ussion ( H K V B M B)
  130. Hong Kong Traffic Ussion
  131. Hong Kong Traffic General Center
  132. Hong Kong Traffic Make conversation SHIH
  133. Hong Kong FU TE Falcon DE SHIH JHUAN Web
  134. TE BA WANG YE
  135. Zone United Traffic Web
  136. Pear SHU Traffic Information Web
  137. SHEN SIAO Public traffic Manual
  138. Disabled SHIH Public traffic Manual
  139. Tunnel JI Bridge
  140. YA LI JHOU Public traffic JIAO HUEI Service
  141. Professional Hackman Tea Station
  142. The people's transport in Hong Kong
  143. JIOU LONG Special telephone line SIAO BA Way BIAO
  144. SIAO BA
  145. Commonality Minibus Database
  146. Hong Kong DAO Special telephone line SIAO BA Way BIAO
  147. Hong Kong Hackneyed Vehicle
  148. Tycoon AO SIAO BA
  149. JIN JHIH Public transit
  150. SIN JIE Special telephone line SIAO BA Way BIAO
  151. Hong Kong Railway Museum
  152. YUAN LANG GONG LI Middle school Communication safeguard DUEI
  153. YUAN LANG Chamber of commerce Middle school Communication safeguard DUEI
  154. World Traffic JHIH YOU
  155. KE LI Middle school Communication safeguard DUEI WANG YE
  156. Taishan Chamber of commerce Middle school Communication safeguard DUEI
  157. WU HUA SHU YUAN Communication safeguard DUEI
  158. SI JIOU LONG Communication safeguard DUEI DI 1 5 2 Unit
  159. Hism CIH HANG JHIH LIN Souvenir Middle school Communication safeguard DUEI
  160. Dongwan Chywa person from the same place HUEI FANG SHU CYUAN School Communication safeguard DUEI
  161. BAI YU Middle school Communication safeguard DUEI
  162. Hong Kong Communication safeguard DUEI ( FEI Official ) Network Resource Station
  163. Hong Kong Communication safeguard DUEI ( TE CIAN DUEI) Headquarters
  164. Hong Kong Communication safeguard HUEI
  165. Stianity Hong kong SIN YI HUEI SIN CHENG Middle school Communication safeguard DUEI
  166. BO AI Hospital CHEN KAI Souvenir Middle school Communication safeguard DUEI
  167. HUEI CIAO YING WUN Middle school Communication safeguard DUEI
  168. SHENG WUN DE SHU YUAN Communication safeguard DUEI
  169. SHENG JHEN DE Middle school Communication safeguard DUEI
  170. Road Safe Research Group
  171. DE WANG Middle school Communication safeguard DUEI ( Official ) WANG YE
  172. LI JHIH HUEI LIANG LI SIOU YU Souvenir Primary school - H K 1 2 9 DUEI Communication safeguard DUEI
  173. Cable car
  174. The summit of a mountain Cable car SHIH Hong kong No. 1 TIAO Railway
  175. The summit of a mountain Cable car ( h k e d c i t y)
  176. Cable car ( g e o c i t i e s)
  177. The summit of a mountain
  178. Peak Trams
  180. DE SHIH
  181. DE SHIH Hackman Professional Ish / PU Talk Iculum
  182. TUN MEN Autobus WANG YE
  183. Train JHIH JIA
  184. Underground JIOU TIE Information Station
  185. Underground Platform
  186. My Railway Center
  187. NAN YUE JI Store
  188. HONG KAN Terminus
  189. Hong Kong Zone Railway Ussion
  190. Hong Kong DIAN TIE Station
  191. Hong Kong General Railway Web
  192. Hong Kong Railway Engineering Center
  193. Hong Kong Railway Ussion
  194. Hong Kong Railway Message Station
  195. Hong Kong Railway HUEI
  196. Hong Kong Railway Material GUAN
  197. Hong Kong Railway Web
  198. Hong Kong Railway Portray a person GUAN
  199. Hong Kong Railway Televise Material GUAN
  200. Hong Kong Railway Interest Way station
  201. Zone Railway Material Center
  202. New era Railway JIAO HUEI Station
  203. Airport KUAI SIAN JIOU LONG Station
  204. History report Hong kong Railway History
  205. MAO Feline Railway
  206. E r i c DE Railway World
  207. K - s t o c k Train Web
  208. Ronaldrailway2002
  209. rt Train Union
  210. 3 A V 3 6 G C 2 4 8 8 Train Truckle Web
  211. Hong Kong ( JIOU LONG) JHIH China Straight-through piece Train Timetable
  212. Hong Kong Railway Information Centre
  213. My Net
  214. Sunny Wong's Steam Locomotives
  215. The Railway Development of Hong Kong
  216. Hong Kong Trolley bus ( h k r s)
  217. Hong Kong Railway wang - Trolley bus History
  218. Zone Trolley bus Way Manual
  219. Trolley bus ( g e o c i t i e s)
  220. Hong Kong Trolley bus Co.,ltd.
  221. Logistics Management Research Center
  222. Logistics Iculum
  223. HUA SHIH Logistics Co.,ltd.
  224. DA LAO SHAN Tunnel Co.,ltd.
  225. SAN HAO Trunk ( JIAO YE Park DUAN) Co.,ltd.
  226. Hong Kong SI Tunnel Co.,ltd.
  227. SIN Hong kong Tunnel Co.,ltd.
  228. Hong Kong HU DONG Website
  229. Root Lost Recollection
  230. GANG Nese HUA Intercourse HUEI Reveal BAN
  231. CHUAN MEI Right and wrong DI
  232. HKForum
  233. H K N e w s G r o u p . n e t Hong kong News ZU
  234. Microsoft N e t M e e t i n g ( FAN TI Ese BAN)
  235. Microsoft NetMeeting (Tucows)
  236. Notebook Net HK
  237. SIAO HUEI HUEI Studio
  238. Today Computer - P D A Scheme
  239. Hong Kong International P o c k e t P C Club
  240. KU P a l m
  241. HappyCorner
  242. J a c k JHIH JIA
  243. Mingpao Hi-tech Weekly - PDA
  244. Palmz Studio
  245. P D A World
  246. PocketPC
  249. Substructure CHAO Text Tag Talk ( H T M L) Introduction
  250. WANG YE Making TIAN DI
  251. H T M L Teaching
  253. Internet Professional Staff Association
  254. Hong Kong Internet ZU BO Technology Develop Promoting Program
  255. SHIH DA Health Website Vote Praise Local Health Website
  256. SHIH DA Health Website Vote 2 0 0 3
  257. Ese Tribune Prevalence BANG
  258. Asia KU JHAN BANG
  259. Asia RE Station
  260. Hong Kong Wire gauze
  261. PING JIAN Committee
  262. F r e e 2 8 Website Choose through public appraisal
  263. H o t C o o l 4 U - RE KU BANG
  264. Y a h o o ! Hong kong 2 0 0 2 NIAN HAO JHAN Choose through public appraisal
  266. Welkin Studio
  267. C G I Regality
  268. I've
  269. Lineage's Home
  270. DA Hong kong
  271. Unjust World
  272. GONG WU Property Policy Tribune
  274. SIH DA Coze Club
  275. Youngster Coze SHIH
  276. YOU NI YOU WO Movies Participate Tribune
  277. Cable News Tribune
  278. Permissive TIAN SHIH
  279. Liberty JIANG Farm
  280. Vivacity GU
  281. Mango Coze SHIH - Afternoon CHA ZUO
  282. CHIH YUN Coze SHIH
  283. Be reluctant to leave
  284. Society Indemnification Square
  285. Glen
  286. Shooting star YU Coze SHIH
  287. A fleeing army's suspicion of danger JHIH Hong kong Current affairs Political comment
  288. Hong Kong HU DONG Coze SHIH
  289. Hong Kong Electronic Education Tribune
  290. Hong Kong WANG YOU CHENG
  291. Hong Kong WANG CUN Tribune
  292. Hong Kong W e W e t Coze SHIH
  293. SIANG JIANG Tribune
  294. MI NI Tribune
  295. MA LIOU BA Web
  296. CING SIN JHIH SING L o v e S t Coze SHIH
  297. Sensibility Aerospace
  300. Online Tribune
  301. Tribune JHIH SING
  302. D a y S t a t i o n Tribune
  303. Derek456's Chatroom
  304. e M o t i o n - HU One's mind disturbed LING Aerospace
  305. E r i c Tribune
  306. F A Q - P C Teaching Tribune
  307. G o o g l e Online Tribune
  310. H o n g K o n g D O T . c o m DA DA DI
  311. Kelvin Forum
  312. LuV+ Zone
  313. Regenerate
  314. Shall V Chat
  316. Up To You Chat
  317. WeWoo
  318. Y a h o o ! Hong kong Coze SHIH
  319. SIAO Coolie ZUO SHIH
  320. Well
  321. BAO ZIH Paradise
  322. ZIH SING SIA ZAI Base
  323. Peter DE Welkin JHIH CHENG
  324. Maggot BU WU
  326. A YIN Paradise
  327. A TIAN DE Welkin
  328. Hong Kong WANG YE College
  329. Strawberry Matter
  330. Mini house
  331. YI DU Aerospace
  333. NAO Tract
  334. Resource LE
  335. WANG YE Quick worker
  336. WANG YE Specially good effect D I Y
  337. WANG YE Teaching
  339. CONG CONG DE Teaching World
  340. Witchcraft Lyceum
  341. Advance Homepage
  342. creator
  343. DannySpace
  344. Dream City
  345. Fancy Cafe
  346. Free Download
  347. Froghtml
  348. F r o n t P a g e E x p r e s s Workmanship Show
  349. i n World
  350. i - W e b WANG YE Teaching
  351. K n e t WANG YE Icehouse
  352. Material888
  354. Y a h o o ! Hong kong G e o c i t i e s
  355. y l a m WANG YE Teaching
  356. Angel JHIH YUAN
  357. Japan Matter Website
  358. Color blindness Iron case
  359. CANG SHU Empire
  360. Silence Studio
  361. Romance Studio
  362. AO YE WANG YE Teaching
  363. DragoNaos
  364. Heaven
  365. Serene Shop
  366. Flash Kid
  367. BA LA Hong kong Seek Machine
  368. TIAN DA Hong kong Seek Machine
  369. W e b I n H K Hong kong Seek Machine
  370. Y a h o o ! Hong kong SING SIANG MING LI
  371. Y a h o o ! SING SIANG MING LI - Twelve animals toy
  372. Y a h o o ! SING SIANG MING LI - TA LUO PAI
  373. BAI CHENG Tribe JHIH
  374. B L O G Country Hong kong SHE CYUN
  375. G O Online Diary notebook
  377. Computer Animation Teaching Website
  378. C G v i s u a l Digital Visual sense
  379. Virtual Design Studio
  380. FEI BI HE A DE
  381. Hong Kong Manufacturing
  382. Photography and Multimedia Production Club
  383. REN REN YOU NAO Wish Engineering
  384. REN REN YOU NAO Wish Engineering ( m i c r o s o f t)
  385. Baek Showroom
  386. TAN TAN J A V A DE FAN Translate and edit
  387. J a v a Teaching
  388. Baek Showroom (JAVA)
  389. Computer Concepts and Programming (JAVA)
  390. J A V A Design TIAN TANG
  391. Network Software Design and Programming
  393. YI DU J a v a Aerospace
  394. Sumptuous ( ?) Studio
  395. Website Technology
  396. YU FA District - J a v a S c r i p t
  397. Blue's Studio
  398. D e r e c k Studio
  399. i - w e b WANG YE Teaching - J a v a S c r i p t
  400. J a v a Enchanter
  401. J a v a s c r i p t Workbox
  402. J a v a SYUE TANG
  403. J a v a S c r i p t SIA ZAI
  404. PCDOT
  405. Network Service station
  406. Wield V i s u a l B a s i c DE CHANG JIAN Trouble
  407. V B Ussion
  408. V B BIAN CHENG DE BI BEI Workmanship
  409. V i s u a l B a s i c 5 . 0 Primary Actual combat Teaching
  410. What Turn into YI WEI h a c k e r
  411. Hong Kong HAI KE Station
  412. Hong Kong HAI KE Web
  413. Computer YU Information Technology KE
  414. HAI KE Center
  415. HAI KE DE Mask
  416. Recovery from Attack
  417. Gas defence Software ( Information Safey net )
  418. Gas defence Software ( s o f t w a r e 5)
  419. Gas defence Software ( t r i p o d)
  420. Gas defence Software ( u h o m e)
  421. Software SIAO PU
  422. Information Safe JI WUN SIH SING - M i c r o s o f t Hong kong
  423. Guide to Firewall Configuration
  424. Hong Kong Computer Security Slip Tune Center - Computer Virus
  425. Information Safey net - Computer Virus
  426. A Quick Microsoft Access 2000/2002 Tutorial
  427. Microsoft Access Lab
  428. JHONG GANG RIH Stars W a l l p a p e r SIA ZAI Center
  429. CHU CIAN WU
  430. Asia NU SING Tablecloth Station
  431. Stars Tablecloth Scroll
  432. GANG TAI Stars Tablecloth
  434. i d o l Wallpaper TIAN TANG
  435. YuMa's Wallpaper Little World
  436. N e t s c a p e Hong kong
  438. Cyber Studio
  439. Apple KE SHIH - M a c O S X
  440. M a c O S X Technology Ussion
  441. Mac OS X
  442. F r e e B S D Information Web
  443. HAO Son or daughter LIAN LI SHIH
  444. WU Teacher DE Actual combat World
  445. Hong Kong L i n u x User Association
  446. Hong Kong L i n u x Resource Center
  447. Debian GNU/Linux
  448. L i n u x Special administrative area ( Y a h o o ! Hong kong Technology )
  449. Linux Interest Group
  450. M i c r o s o f t O f f i c e - O f f i c e X P Hong kong BAN
  451. Microsoft Windows - Windows Server 2003
  452. Microsoft Windows - Windows XP Home
  453. Microsoft Windows - Windows XP Professional
  456. Hong Kong Transmitter-receiver Online Televise JHAN P D A Electronic organizer Version
  457. YA HU Hong kong Pda BAN
  459. P a l m TIAN DI
  461. Ventilate University FU SYUE Iculum
  462. Ventilate University YI JIN Program JI FU Scholar SIAN SIOU Iculum
  464. Examinee SIN Way out : FU Elor's degree
  465. MING AI Bittersweet CI Professional School
  466. FEI LIAN JHAO FU Degree Iculum GAI LAN
  467. Hong Kong University Professional Attend in a advanced studies Liary College
  468. Hong Kong CAI JHIH SHE District SHU Institute
  469. Hong Kong JIN HUEI University International College
  470. FU Scholar Iculum GAI LAN
  471. FU Degree Iculum CHANG JIAN Trouble
  472. Rainbow CIAN LYU : FU Degree JI YI JIN Program
  473. Education Plan as a whole JYU : Local JHUAN Go to class CHENG
  474. LING NAN University Persistence Attend in a advanced studies College FU Scholar SIAN SIOU Iculum ( Substructure Diploma )
  475. LING NAN University FU Elor's degree Iculum
  476. Hong Kong City University high grade Professional College
  477. MING AI Adult JI Higher Education Service
  478. MING AI Bittersweet CI Professional School FEI Official Website ( News ZU)
  479. MING AI Professional JI Adult Education Center ( YUAN LANG Night school )
  480. MING AI SHENG RUO SE Professional JI Adult Education Center
  481. 2 0 0 3 NIAN Summer vacation time Overseas Talk TAN CYU Iculum
  482. Hong Kong Ventilate University LI JIA CHENG Professional Attend in a advanced studies College
  483. Hong Kong Ventilate University YAO JYU JI Adult Education Research Center
  484. Hong Kong JIN HUEI University Persistence Pedagogy Institute
  485. Hong Kong LI GONG University Liary Hong kong JHUAN Go to school Institute
  486. Hong Kong City University Professional Attend in a advanced studies College
  487. Hong Kong Technology University Persistence Attend in a advanced studies College
  488. Hong Kong CyberU
  489. Hong Kong Professional Attend in a advanced studies School
  490. Hong Kong Professional Attend in a advanced studies School - Youth Iculum College
  491. Hong Kong Professional Attend in a advanced studies School - Higher JI Persistence Pedagogy Institute
  492. Hong Kong Professional Attend in a advanced studies School - JHUAN SHANG Pedagogy Institute
  493. CHUANG YI Aerospace
  494. GANG JHUAN ZAI Training Center
  495. GANG JHUAN At night Adult Education Iculum
  496. GANG JHUAN Schoolfellow Communication Web
  497. GANG JHUAN Library
  498. GANG JHUAN Student Development Center
  499. GANG JHUAN - Persistence Attend in a advanced studies Fund
  500. Hong Kong City University Professional Attend in a advanced studies College YI JIN Program
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